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Why Is My Watermelon White Inside?

Watermelons are a quintessential summer delight, offering a refreshing and hydrating experience with their juicy, sweet flesh. Native to Africa, this fruit is now grown and savored worldwide, playing a starring role in many a backyard barbecue and summer picnic.

Watermelons are delicious and loaded with essential nutrients like vitamins A and C and antioxidants, offering numerous health benefits. But have you ever cut into a watermelon and found the inside white instead of the expected vibrant red? This can be both surprising and perplexing.

So, why is my watermelon white inside? What causes this unusual occurrence, and is it safe to consume these watermelons? These questions may have crossed your mind upon encountering a white-fleshed watermelon. To understand this peculiar phenomenon, it’s essential to delve into the biology of watermelons and the factors influencing their coloration. Here are the answers to your question.

Why Is My Watermelon White Inside?

Watermelons come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, most commonly red-fleshed. However, some watermelons have white or pale pink flesh instead. Here are some answers to your question, “Why is my watermelon white inside?”

Varietal Differences

Some watermelons naturally have white or cream-colored flesh due to their specific variety. These are less common than the red and pink varieties, but they do exist. Examples include the Cream of Saskatchewan and the White Wonder watermelons. The flesh of these varieties can range from completely white to a pale cream color.

Although their color might differ, these melons are as delicious and nutritious as their more well-known red counterparts. So, if your watermelon is white inside, it could be because it belongs to one of these less common varieties.


Another factor that may cause a watermelon to have white or pale flesh is underripeness. Watermelons develop their characteristic red color as they ripen due to the accumulation of lycopene, a red pigment and powerful antioxidant. If a watermelon is picked before it has fully ripened, it may not have had enough time to develop the lycopene, resulting in a paler flesh color.

In some cases, the inside may even be white. It’s worth noting that an unripe watermelon will usually also have a less sweet taste than a fully ripe one. Thus, if your watermelon is white inside, it could be because it was harvested too early.

Immaturity or Early Harvesting

Just like underripeness, immaturity or early harvesting can also lead to a watermelon with a white interior. As a watermelon matures and ripens on the vine, it undergoes various changes. One of the most noticeable changes is the development of its red pigment. This pigment, known as lycopene, gives a mature watermelon its characteristic red color.

If a watermelon is harvested too early, before it has finished maturing, its lycopene content may not fully develop. This can result in a watermelon with flesh that is white or lighter in color. While it’s still safe to eat, an immature watermelon may lack the sweet, juicy flavor of a fully mature watermelon. Therefore, it’s crucial to allow watermelons to fully mature before harvesting them for the best taste and color.

Storage and Transportation Conditions

Improper storage and transportation conditions can significantly impact the quality and color of watermelons. Exposing watermelons to extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can lead to an undesirable change in their color and texture. For instance, storing watermelons at temperatures below 50°F can cause chilling injury. This condition leads to the breakdown of cell walls inside the fruit, resulting in a pale or white coloration.

On the other hand, excessively high temperatures can accelerate the ripening process, potentially leading to over-ripening and a mushy texture. It’s also worth noting that watermelons are sensitive to ethylene, a gas produced by certain fruits, like apples and bananas, as they ripen. If watermelons are stored or transported alongside these fruits, they may ripen rapidly and unevenly, leading to an inconsistent color.

Furthermore, rough handling during transportation can cause physical damage to the watermelons, leading to internal bruising that may alter the color of the flesh. Therefore, proper storage and gentle handling during transportation are crucial in maintaining watermelons’ quality, color, and taste.

Temperature Stress

Extreme temperature fluctuations during the watermelon’s growth stage can profoundly impact the color of its flesh. Like many other fruits, watermelons prefer a steady, warm climate for optimal growth and development. When the growing conditions are too hot or cold, the watermelon plant may experience stress, which can influence the development of its fruit.

High temperatures, particularly when combined with intense sunlight, can lead to the breakdown of chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for the green color in unripe watermelons. This can result in the internal color changing from the usual red or pink color to a lighter hue or even white in some cases. Furthermore, excessive heat can interfere with the watermelon’s ability to produce lycopene, the pigment that gives ripe watermelon its characteristic red color. As a result, the watermelon may end up being underpigmented or white.

Conversely, exposure to cold temperatures can slow down the watermelon’s growth and maturation process, thus impeding the development of the red color. Prolonged exposure to cold conditions can lead to a condition known as chilling injury, characterized by a lack of color development, among other symptoms.

Know the Common Reasons for Watermelon White Inside

There are many possible reasons for a watermelon to have white flesh. Some of the most common ones include:

Variety Selection

Here are some watermelon varieties and their typical flesh colors.

  1. Sugar Baby Watermelons: These are small-sized, round watermelons with a dark green exterior. Their flesh is a deep, juicy red color.
  1. Crimson Sweet Watermelons: Large, round watermelons with a striped green exterior. They have bright red, sweet flesh.
  1. Moon and Stars Watermelons: This variety has a dark green rind with yellow spots, resembling a night sky. The flesh inside is pink to red.
  1. Yellow Doll Watermelons: These have bright yellow flesh, usually slightly sweeter than red-fleshed varieties.
  1. Orangeglo Watermelons: They have a unique orange-colored flesh. These watermelons are very sweet, almost like honey.
  1. Cream of Saskatchewan Watermelons: This is a rare variety with cream-colored flesh. Despite the unusual color, they are sweet and flavorful.
  1. White Wonder Watermelons: These watermelons have white to cream-colored flesh. They are sweet and crisp, offering a unique taste experience.
  1. Golden Midget Watermelons: These have a golden-yellow rind when ripe, and their flesh is pink to red.
  1. Black Diamond Watermelons: This classic variety has a dark green, almost black, rind with bright red flesh.
  1. Charleston Gray Watermelons: This variety has a grayish-green rind with sweet, bright red flesh.

These are just a few examples, and many other varieties of watermelons are out there. Each has its unique flavor profile, texture, and flesh color, making watermelons a diverse and versatile fruit.

Ripeness Assessment

Determining whether a watermelon is ripe can be challenging, but there are a few signs you can look for to assess its ripeness. These include tapping the watermelon, observing its appearance, and smelling it.

Tapping or Thumping

One of the most common methods to check for watermelon ripeness is tapping or thumping. Give the watermelon a firm tap or knock with your knuckles to do this. The watermelon should produce a deep, hollow sound if it is ripe. The sound will be more of a dull thud if it’s unripe. This method relies on ripe watermelons having a high water content, which can create a resonating sound.


The appearance of a watermelon can provide several clues about its ripeness. Here are some things to look out for:

  • Uniform Shape: A ripe watermelon should have a uniform shape, whether round or oblong. If it has irregularities, it might indicate uneven growth, which can affect ripeness and taste.
  • Color and Field Spot: Ripe watermelons will usually have a uniform color all over their skin except for the field spot (the part of the watermelon that was resting on the ground). The field spot should be a creamy yellow, not white or green. A darker field spot generally indicates a riper watermelon.
  • Skin Texture: The skin of a ripe watermelon should be slightly dull and not shiny. If the skin appears glossy, it could mean the watermelon is underripe.


Smelling the watermelon can also help determine its ripeness. A ripe watermelon will have a sweet, slightly fruity aroma, especially at the ends. However, if the smell is too strong or fermented, it could mean the watermelon is overripe.

Remember, these methods are not foolproof, and the best way to truly know if a watermelon is ripe is by cutting it open and tasting it. However, using these techniques increases your chances of picking a ripe, juicy, and sweet watermelon.

Vendor and Source Evaluation

When picking the perfect watermelon, where you get it can make all the difference. Here are some tips to ensure you choose a reputable vendor or grower:

  1. Local is Best: If possible, buy your watermelons from local farmers’ markets or growers. Not only does this support local agriculture, but it also means the watermelons are likely fresher since they haven’t been transported long distances.
  1. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask the vendor or grower about their products. Good questions to ask include: When were the watermelons harvested? How are they grown? What variety are they? A reputable vendor or grower will know their product well and be able to answer your questions.
  1. Look for Certifications: Certifications, such as organic or non-GMO, can indicate a reputable vendor or grower. These labels mean the product has met certain production methods and environmental impact standards.
  1. Check Reviews: If purchasing watermelons from a grocery store or online seller, check reviews and ratings. Other customers’ experiences can provide insight into the products’ quality and the seller’s reliability.
  1. Trust Your Instincts: Lastly, trust your instincts. If a vendor or grower seems passionate about their products, and their watermelons look and smell fresh, they’re likely a good choice.

Storage and Handling:

Proper storage and handling practices are crucial to maintaining the quality and taste of your watermelons. Here are some useful tips:

  1. Initial Storage: If you plan to consume the watermelon later, storing it in a cool room or basement is best. A temperature of about 55°F is ideal. Unlike other fruits, watermelons do not continue to ripen once they are off the vine, so there’s no need to leave them out at room temperature.
  1. Refrigeration: Once a watermelon has been cut open, it should be wrapped in plastic and stored in the refrigerator. It’s best to consume cut watermelons within 3-4 days for optimal freshness. Remember to keep the cut watermelon away from other aromatic foods in the refrigerator as it can absorb their smells.
  1. Freezing: If you have a leftover watermelon that you can’t finish, consider freezing it. Cut the watermelon into small cubes or balls, spread them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and freeze until solid. Once frozen, transfer the watermelon pieces to a freezer-safe bag or container. Frozen watermelon makes for a refreshing addition to smoothies or fruit cocktails.
  1. Handling: Always wash the outside of the watermelon before cutting it to avoid transferring any dirt or bacteria from the rind to the flesh. Use a clean cutting board and knife, and wash your hands before handling the cut fruit.

Following these storage and handling tips, you can ensure your watermelon stays fresh, delicious, and safe.

Bottom Line:

White flesh inside a watermelon can be attributed to a multitude of factors. Immature harvesting can result in underdeveloped lycopene content, leading to white or lighter meat. Improper storage and transportation conditions, such as extreme temperatures or exposure to ethylene gas, can also alter the color and texture of the fruit. Environmental stress, like fluctuating temperatures, can affect the plant’s growth and, consequently, the color of the fruit. The variety of watermelons plays a crucial role, too, as some types naturally have white to cream-colored flesh. Misjudging the ripeness can result in choosing an underripe watermelon with white meat. Finally, the source or vendor of the watermelon and the subsequent storage and handling can significantly impact the color and quality of the fruit.

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