Hassle-free Guide to Garden Excellence and Pet Well-Being

Ensuring a Long and Green Life for Your House Plants

Do you know that there’s deep psychology behind the color green? Green evokes a sense of refreshment and growth in the mind of anybody who sees it. This beautiful color takes our mind towards abundance as multiple shades of green are present in nature. It symbolizes peace, calm, and security.

The psychology of the color green, among other scientific proofs, is more than enough to convince a person to live among plants. You can do that by going camping where effective mosquito attractants are a must. If you are more of an indoor person, you’ve made the right choice by building yourself a garden and including indoor plants in your home décor. Each day you wake up to crisp air filled with oxygen. Your sight is beautified by leaves of all shapes and colors.

When the sun comes up, plants change colors and you witness a different interior at different times of the day. It’s serene to have plants at home. The only downside is the care they demand. More beautiful the plant, the more attention it craves. It’s safe to say that plants are like women. You might think it’s a joke about women’s appearance, but they also nourish, embellish and garnish our surroundings just by being present.

Let’s understand how can you take care of your houseplants, so they continue to blossom in your place.

Taking care of indoor plants

When you walk around your house, seeing plants that you cared for, bloom in their glory, you feel rewarded. It’s like watching your child thrive in school.  Here are some pointers that you need to take care of your houseplants.

  1. Decide the spot before buying a plant: The most common mistake that people do is loading up on multiple plant breed just because they look good, without actually deciding where they’ll keep them. Having enough space is not enough. You have to see if that space is getting a lot of sunlight or no sun. Understand how the temperature gets in the designated area. Different plants have different needs and you can’t just put them all together in one space.
  1. See the root situation: When you’re at the nursery shopping for plants, it’s a good idea to gently lift them up and see the root situation. If a plant has large roots sprouting all over the bottom, you might need a large pot. If it has small roots, a small pot will suffice. Ignoring this can lead you to put a large breed in a small pot, which will eventually kill it.

woman gardening

  1. Be careful while replanting: After bringing home a new plant, you’ll transfer it to a new pot. Sadly, some plants don’t adjust well to a new environment. A great tip to avoid this is adding soil to the new pot and slightly wetting it. Add water that’s enough to make the soil stick. This allows the roots to confidently explore the new wet soil. Then add the plant to the pot and add more soil around it. Remember to leave some to allow the soil to breathe. Finish the process by pouring some water into the pot.
  1. Plants have preferences when it comes to watering: Watering the plants is the easiest job in the world until it’s not. Overwatering and under-watering are the most common ways to kill houseplants. Pouring water recklessly can cause the plant to die. Everyone knows that plants need cooler water in summers and spring and normal water in the winters. What everyone doesn’t know is you don’t water the plants daily.Check by touching if the soil is dry enough before you add more water. Dig deeper than the surface as sometimes the surface can dry out but the soil is wet beneath it. The goal is to make sure that the soil is completely dry before you add more water. To avoid overwatering, empty the pot from beneath quite regularly because just like us, plants don’t want their feet to be wet.
  1. Nutrition: You might think that plants need sunlight and water to live and thrive. But there’s one thing you miss — food. Just like humans, plants need food and their food is fertilizer. Don’t panic, you don’t need to bring in bags of fertilizers. Liquid fertilizer is available in the market, which is to be added to the water. Read the instructions on the box for better understanding. Plants need to be fed every 3-4 weeks in summers and barely in winters.

These were the basic points to remember when it comes to taking care of houseplants. Not all plants need active care. If you don’t want to indulge in these steps, you can find plants that survive in any condition. These include Paddle Plant, Lady Palm, String of Pearls, Peperomia, and many more. Remember, there’s a plant for every habitat and every personality. All you have to do is search for it.

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