Hassle-free Guide to Garden Excellence and Pet Well-Being

How to Raise a Puppy Responsibly

Raising a pet puppy is a fun and rewarding experience. It helps reduce stress and ease feelings of loneliness. However, it can also be quite frustrating at times, especially for new owners.

Caring for a puppy involves responsibilities that go beyond giving belly rubs and tasty treats. The key is to make sure your pet is happy, healthy, and taken care of properly. Below are some quick tips to remember so that you and your furry companion will get off to a good start:

Commit to Your Puppy’s Care

Dogs need constant attention. They also require regular exercise and training, particularly those that belong to high-energy breeds, such as Border Collies and Jack Russell Terriers. Be sure you have the time and energy to care for your pet and meet its needs. If you need some assistance, you might want to hire an expert in puppy training.

Prepare a Budget

dog and owner playingHave you considered your financial capabilities to raise a puppy? Pet ownership can be costly. It involves spending for meals, toys, supplies, and veterinarian visits. You can plan for your pet’s expenses by making an estimate how much you think you’ll spend on essential items. Then, set them up as fixed expenses in your monthly budget.

Invest in the Right Dog Food

Cheap dog food is a major no-no since they likely contain fillers and sugars instead of the right nutrients. With a low-grade puppy chow, your pet will only feel the need to eat more as its growing body seeks to satisfy its nutritional needs. It may also cause upset stomach, constipation, or even diarrhea.

Keep in mind that dogs have varying nutritional requirements at different points in their lives. Be sure to look for food that’s formulated for your puppy’s age, size, and activity level.

Create a Feeding Schedule

Your puppy’s feeding schedule should include three measured meals a day. The ideal time for the first meal of the day is around 7:00 AM, while the last one should be scheduled at around 5:00 PM to give your pet enough time to digest the food before bedtime.

Commit to your puppy’s meal plan until it reaches the age of 14-18 weeks old. By that time, you can change the schedule to two meals a day (or depending on the recommendation of your veterinarian).

Find a Reliable Veterinarian

As a new pet owner, you’ll experience moments that will make you wonder why your puppy is acting strange or not feeling well. When these things happen, it’s best to take it to a veterinarian.

When looking for a local animal clinic, choose one with a good reputation and has modern facilities. They should also be equipped to provide key pet services, such as deworming, parasite control, and pet vaccinations. Remember that a good veterinarian not only ensures your pet’s overall health, but also your peace of mind.

Being a pet owner comes with some responsibilities. If you own a puppy or are thinking of getting one, be sure that you aware of the tasks involved.

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